About Mmoho

Mmoho is a nationwide advocacy campaign that was developed by Ibis Reproductive Health and partners working to advance sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of young people in South Africa. Mmoho uses a rights-based approach to advocate for comprehensive and accessible sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services and information for young people. Mmoho covers a wide range of topics including but not limited to safe abortion; contraception services; HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment; teenage pregnancy as a reproductive justice issue, and gender-based violence.
Recognising the multi-sectoral approach needed to address adolescent and youth reproductive health, a coalition was formed in order to bring together national expertise from government, civil society and academic sectors to share strategies and catalyse new approaches to better understand respond to adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health needs. One of the key activities of the coalition of mmoho partners was to support the implementation of a national campaign to address the need for comprehensive SRH services and information for youth, with the aim to highlight limited and/or lack of comprehensive SRH services and information for young people as a reproductive rights and justice issue. The coalition has an all youth steering committee.
In designing the campaign, we engaged with government around the contraceptive policy and stakeholders interested in advancing sexual health and rights, especially for adolescent girls and young women in South Africa.

Mmoho was launched on the 5th of November 2013 in Johannesburg. The campaign called ‘Mmoho’, a Sesotho word meaning ‘together’, targets 12-24-year-old in and out of school adolescents as the primary group. The initial mmoho campaign slogan was “planning teens’; however, after extensive review and rigorous pre-testing of the campaign, the new slogan pretested with young people across different South African provinces is ‘Striving for reproductive justice’ and the secondary slogan is ‘Know your worth, Own your reproductive health’. The campaign also has a tagline ‘We are youth. We are leaders. We are mmohonation’. Secondary campaign target groups include media stakeholders, health care providers, teachers, religious leaders, parents, and guardians. All these groups have a responsibility to support environments that enhance reproductive rights and justice for young people.
The mmoho campaign is implemented through various activities online and in person. These include dialogues, workshops, partner engagement, and expanded social media efforts.
Mmoho uses a rights-based approach to advocate for comprehensive and accessible sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services and information for young people.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to advance sexual reproductive health rights, justice and autonomy of young people.

Our Vision
We envision a world where high-quality sexual and reproductive health information and services are easy to access for young people. Our vision of success is an inclusive and just world where young people’s reproductive justice is realized. Using a rights-based and reproductive justice approach to advocate for comprehensive and accessible SRHR services and information, mmoho strives to change the conversation about youth SRHR and sexuality by tackling a variety of topics, including but not limited to safe abortion, unplanned pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, and contraception.